First off, I should probably apologize for my lack of communication the past few months.
But it was SUMMER! And things just get squirrely when it comes to summer!
Normally, I feel a bit guilty when I've neglected my blog for this long. Regretting that I did not "buckle down" and "get to work."
Not this time! I have ZERO regrets this time around. Why? Because every second of our summer was spent having fun! If summer was an orange, we twisted up that rind until we had squeezed out every last drop of juice, gulped it down so fast we wound up chugging the seeds along with it, and then licked the glass until every speck of sticky sweetness was gone.
In the history of every summer vacation we have ever had, this one ranks at the top of the list. In fact, when they came up with the word "epic" it was THIS summer vacation they were referring to.
It had everything...
But mostly Adventure!
And lots and lots of family and friends!
This is the vacation that all other vacations will be held up to in comparison.
This one will be tough to beat.
But like all great novels, all great films, and all great bars of dark chocolate and tubs of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, it had to come to an end eventually.
School is in session now. The adventure has ceased, silently returning to a routine of early morning buses, loaded down backpacks and after-school homework.
Which is good, I suppose. Just like too much orange juice, there is such a thing as too much adventuring.
Kids need stability, right?
Sti ll, I can't help but wonder - if Miss Priss is in 2nd grade, but doing coursework at a 3rd grade level, doesn't that technically mean she could skip a whole year of school and still be on track??
Hmmm, that might be something worth looking into.....